Sierra Nevada Airstreams: memories

WBCCI #1183 Dale & Virginia Leipper

Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI) Memories

May 14, 1942

1983 41st Anniversary

Celebrating another anniversary at a rally

May 14, 1992 Dale and Virginia Leipper's 50th Wedding Anniversary

To celebrate their 50th anniversary we asked their friends and relatives to send us pictures and their favorite stories of Dale and Virginia. These are some of the comments made by Dale and Virginia's friends in the Monterey Bay California Unit, WBCCI. You will easily recognize the most memorable event in most people's mind.

Ev and Faye Messinger

The one that comes to mind first is a certain rally in Davenport. Seems the “cornbinder” had given them some mechanical difficulty on the way to the rally. Not to be put-off by a simple lack of wheels, Dale and Virginia secured the rental of a slightly larger vehicle and made the rally without a “hitch”. Well, of course they had a hitch but on a rather gigantic Ryder truck and the sight of it pulling a little Airstream Bambi is the stuff memories are made of.

Ruth and Lloyd Brown

Virginia and Dale have been a fun part of the MBCU for the past many years. Their enthusiasm and humor has added a lot to each and every activity.

Perhaps the strangest trailer sight ever seen was the arrival of the Leipper's at a rally on the Santa Cruz coastline. The Big Tree Lumber Company had kindly allowed us to hold the rally on their storage lot, and the view of the Pacific ocean was outstanding.

The Leipper's trusty International broke down. With the trailer parked along side the road, a search was made for a rental tow vehicle. The only rig available was a TREMENDOUS storage truck. It was an unbelievable site. The BIG truck with the tiny Airstream Bambi on behind. In fact the Lumber Company owner raced over to investigate. Thought we were hauling away his lumber and/or logs. He joined us in a laugh at this most unusual sight.

Earl and Gerry Pettis

In the nearly 20 years we've known you, a lot of fond memories come to mind. First and foremost as for most MBCU members present at the time, was the rally at Davenport and you turned up towing the Bambi behind a humongous Ryder truck! It appeared that a moving truck was invading our rally site!

We remember your (Dale's) year as President, when you never failed to open a meeting without a little levity. Do you recall the “S car go” joke, Dale? It was one of my favorites. You made a great President -low key- but always got the job done with the least amount of fuss.

We remember Virginia's father and your unfailing devotion and care for him.

We remember many a rally when you two were hosts and provided all of us with lots of good food, laughs and fellowship.

We remember Baja, and our caravan there. And running into you at LaPaz when we had left our trailer back at Concepcion Bay and were tenting it. You were all so comfortable in your trailers at the RV park there. We were so jealous, we went off and rented a motel for the night!!

Jack Benjamin

I'm reminded of the special time in 1980 when I joined the MBCU. Dale. I think you were President. Anyway you welcomed me into a really friendly group! For example Dale, you would begin each meeting with a joke of sorts. That set the tone for the entire rally.

Then you both invited me to have lunch with you in the Bambi. That was a most enjoyable experience!

That friendly and informal pattern has continued to be the way the MBCU continues to function although you used up all the jokes. It is fun to come to meetings, go on caravans. be part of a truly exceptional group, and I attach your names, Dale and Virginia, to these experiences.

Joe and Shirley Gorman

One (memory) that stands out concerns the Unit caravan to Cabo San Lucas and being a part of the “Tag-a-longs”. How can we ever forget the occasion when the Leipper's “corn binder” gave up the ghost right outside of Muleje, and where a VW stopped an a man got out and inquired of Dale, “you must be Dr. Leipper”. We all knew you were well known, but were really impressed that you were recognized in such a remote location! It could and would, only happen to the Leippers; and you Virginia, were so blase! Only you could pull that off!

We enjoyed some good caravans together, but that was the very best. Will you ever forget how Chris Cox taught us how to play tiles, and we beat her every time! And when you were at Cabo San Lucas with your awning jauntily unfurled from the Bambi as you both relaxed under it with a tall cool one.

Eva and Russ Comrie

It is just over 17 years ago that we first made your acquaintance when you joined us in the MBCU. Those have been momentous years and we have traveled many a mile together. During the years you have been our President and First Lady; Looking back it is noticed that on many a month of May you have hosted unit rallies. Thus it has become know us that the month of May was an important month in your lives.

note: the anniversary pictures at the top of this page were provided by the Comrie's

Henry and Helen Garrison

We often wonder if you have ever had to confirm your findings regarding the efficacy of aviation fuel in a tow car?

Orville and Amye Hoffman

I recall a lovely dinner you gave for all the MBCU members at your home in Carmel Valley. Also I can picture the trays of beautiful strawberries you brought for breakfast at the Pinnacles. That exciting ride we all enjoyed on Monterey Bay (on the research vessel Acania). Thanks again for that Dale. Caravans were fun times, of course the time you were locked in the Airstream at Hat Creek was not.

Art and Kitty Kellond

I am delighted to have this opportunity to offer even a small contribution to help you remember those “fun days” with the MBCU. You added a great deal of pleasure to our Airstream activities.

You were usually involved in at least one memorable event whether at a rally or traveling together on a caravan. To illustrate, let me recall some gems that I savor.

Picture the Swiss Rife Club, 1976..Beautiful Saturday morning..A new couple arrived in a Bambi..and parked rather casually nearby..NOT Comrie style! .. 'twas our good fortune to be parked nearest to you. Eleanor and I were inspired to encourage your return at our next rally.. you kept coming back.

Picture King City Fairgrounds.. the 1977 WBCCI Region 12 rally.. we got to know you well.. happened when we; Virginia, Dale and I met in a shower bath..the Bambi had no shower... hundreds of Caravanners came to see how to take a shower in a Bambi. Those in the know were more than somewhat curious but unaware of the ingenuity of the likes of you two.

See full text from the Kellond's

Bob and Delores Dahme

My favorite memory goes back long years ago when the Unit met at the lumber companies property. We had all arrived except for you when a large moving van came creeping up that rutted logging road. What an entrance!

If Bob were here, he could dredge up many more stories including some of Dale's hilarious reports on esoteric subjects.

I do remember your skit at Region 12's Paso Robles meeting on how to conserve precious water in a 17ft trailer.

Though we did have to eat a lot of cookies* and you are the only people I know who have a car-eating dog.

*note: Virginia was involved in Girl Scouts for over 30 years. When cookie time came around, everyone was encouraged to enjoy Girl Scout cookies.

Jim and Pat Monahan

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