Sierra Nevada Airstreams: Memories - Rallies - Planning

Event Planning

Anytime the group does anything together, event planning must take place. These events can include meals, parking, overnight stays, special tours, celebrations, or meetings.

  1. The site where the event is to occur must be informed about the group, its nature, and its size.

  2. The site where the event is to occur must have agreed in written contract to support the group and its planned activities.

  3. Due care and consideration should be given to both normal as well as unique or special needs of the group at events such as rig parking, transportation, accommodation for those with limitations, toilet facilities, medical considerations, pets, weather impact, ...

  4. Alternatives and backup procedures need to be determined and made a part of the event plan.


There must be one person who has agreed to be responsible for the success of the group event. This person must be properly supported by the group in terms of funding, advice, workforce, authority, image, recognition, and information.


Nearly any place where you can gather a group for some common activity will have people on staff who have 'been there, done that' with other groups. These folks can be a great resource to aid in your planning if you help them help you. How you help them is to give them complete information about your intents and interests and what you want to do and then keeping them informed as your planning progresses. When the time is right, you can create an agreement with the facility that clearly defines expectations and other contractual matters.


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